Wizard Goblin Pin Badge
A Goblin Quest friend for your pin collection
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You are a goblin. You have a week to live and you are going to make a mark. You are going to undertake… A GOBLIN QUEST.
Will you survive the dangerous world of the Great Battle Camp and avoid the attentions of brutal orcs, murderous bugbears, mean-spirited hobgoblins and scary wizards? Probably not. But you’ll have a better chance if you take your WIZARD GOBLIN PIN with you!
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Five Fun Facts About Goblins
- Goblins live, on average, for about a week. It’s said that Mogwak the Ancient Goblin King lived for eleven days, but that’s just a myth. Goblins don’t die of old age; they just attract enough unwanted misery that events transpire to kill them within a week. It’s unclear whether this is a quirk of their magical construction or just fatal incompetence on their part.
- Goblins are delicious. This is a problem for most goblins throughout their short lives.
- Goblins are magically imprinted with knowledge and skills whilst they’re forming in the ground. However, there isn’t a lot of space in a goblin brain, and the imprinting spells are all out of date, and those unpaid part-time interns keep messing with the inputs.
- Goblins can eat almost anything. This is useful, because no-one feeds them so they have to take what they can get, but also redundant because they gain no nourishment from food; they come with all the energy they need built-in. As such, most goblins only eat out of joy, spite, or as and when it’s required as part of a convoluted disguise.
- Goblins are light and remarkably aerodynamic, making them a useful throwing weapon for orcs. A skilled orc can fell an opponent at a hundred paces with a well-aimed goblin. Most orcs prefer to use throwing axes as, unlike goblins, they can be re-used.
-Grant Howitt, Goblin Quest
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