Hollows is live on Backerkit now!

Posted on June 11, 2024 in Project Updates

This world is sour. And here, sourer still – a rotten knot of rust and ruin, boiling beneath the real. A Hollow.

Hollows is our upcoming full-length all-singing-all-dancing game which features:

  • Streamlined tactical bossfight combat using innovative mechanics
  • Wretched Silent Hill-style otherworlds spawned from broken people’s trauma
  • You can’t die properly, but you can become a both dungeon and a final boss for the other players to kill
  • Enormous monsters with unique, horrible abilities that only YOU can destroy
  • Semi-sentient Weapons that love you, hate you and need you to die over and over
  • A new setting, The Isles, where a shattered empire collapses into civil war and destitution
  • Dead gods, greenhouse temples, herds of sacred pigs, knight-alchemists, regimental peons, geophrenologists, your ex-husband commanding a mouldering dragon in someone else’s personal hell, xenophobic spears, underdog knives and pistols with impostor syndrome

If you’ve enjoyed Chris and Grant’s work on Spire and Heart (or indeed one of the dozens of other titles to their names) then you should take a look at Hollows and pledge on Backerkit now (or wait until it’s out in shops, but that means that we make half as much money off the sale, so ball’s in your court really).

If you’d like to get a preview of the rules, setting and general tone (and give the game a go yourself!) then you can grab our free Quickstart book THE SINS OF GRISHAM PRIORY here. You cal also watch this beautifully-produced ten minute video that offers an overview of everything that Hollows has to offer, if that’s your bag:

Or, if you’d rather watch us play, you can check out Rowan, Rook & Decard’s official in-studio game on our Youtube Channel. Here’s Session 0 to get you started:


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