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Writing Die Scenarios Part 3: The Actual Adventure

An "ex-crawl" map from DIE Scenarios

Hello again! Welcome back for the final part of Kieron’s advice on writing the best, sharpest, hurtiest, scenarios for the DIE RPG! You can catch up on the first two blogs here and here. – Producer Chant. In the first part, we did our reading. In the second, we generated excitingly messed-up people. Now we […]

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Writing Die Scenarios Part 2: Persona Generation

Artwork from DIE

Hello, Producer Chant again, popping by briefly to hand you back over to Kieron. If you haven’t already, you might find it helpful to read the first part of this blog series before you go any further. Up to you, though.  Now  you’ve done your reading, you’re ready to write a scenario. Alternatively, you didn’t […]

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Writing DIE Scenarios Part 1: Preparation

DIE characters playing games around a table

Hello! This is Chant, DIE RPG producer & book janitor. One of the perks of working on DIE RPG is that Kieron’s got more good ideas than we can responsibly cram into books. That’s no reason to deprive you of them, so for the next three weeks we’ll be presenting these excellent thoughts on how […]